Home>Courses>Getting Soccer Data with Api-Football in JavaScript



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Getting Soccer Data with Api-Football in JavaScript

Gain insights into Api-Football’s vast data, learn to retrieve stats, standings, fixtures, and integrate endpoints/widgets into a React app for robust soccer data utilization.
Gain insights into Api-Football’s vast data, learn to retrieve stats, standings, fixtures, and integrate endpoints/widgets into a React app for robust soccer data utilization.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

22 Lessons
37 Playgrounds
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

​​Api-Football is a great resource for any application consuming football related data. It provides statistics for over 880 football leagues and cups. In this course, you'll first get an introduction to the Api-Football and the different endpoints and widgets it offers. Then you'll be provided with a step-by-step guide on how to sign up for an account and retrieve the API key. You'll then learn how to get a team's information, including league standings and statistics, using Api-Football. Further, you'll l...Show More
​​Api-Football is a great resource for any application consuming football related data. It provides statistics for over 880 foot...Show More

What You'll Learn

A familiarity with Api-Football and different endpoints and widgets it offers
The ability to retrieve information about fixtures, including head-to-head statistics and lineups
A thorough understanding of how to retrieve team's information, including their standings and statistics
The ability to get players' details, including top scorers and assists providers
Hands-on experience integrating API endpoints into a React application
A familiarity with Api-Football and different endpoints and widgets it offers

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Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with integrating Api-Football for football data using JavaScript and React.



3 Lessons

Walk through retrieving soccer teams' data, statistics, and standings using Api-Football.



6 Lessons

Master the steps to retrieve, analyze, and utilize various football fixture data using Api-Football.



4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of retrieving player data, squads, top scorers, and assist providers.



2 Lessons

Map out the steps for creating and customizing soccer game and standings widgets.


APIs Integration in React

1 Lessons

Follow the process of integrating Api-Football endpoints in React to display soccer data.



1 Lessons

Build on your foundational knowledge and explore more about Api-Football endpoints.



3 Lessons

Learn how to use request structures, support endpoints, and response elements in Api-Football.

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