HomeCoursesGetting Started with LINQ in C#


4h 20min

Getting Started with LINQ in C#

Gain insights into LINQ in C#, learn about lambda expressions, explore common LINQ methods, avoid pitfalls, and refactor code to be more expressive and efficient.
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LINQ is the best feature in C#. If you’re interested in writing more expressive code to work with collections, this course is for you. In this course, you will learn about what LINQ is and what lambda expressions are. You will learn the most common LINQ methods and some common pitfalls to avoid when using LINQ. You will also write your first methods using LINQ and use LINQ to refactor some common constructs.
LINQ is the best feature in C#. If you’re interested in writing more expressive code to work with collections, this course is fo...Show More


Learn what LINQ is and what lambda expressions are.
Use the most common LINQ methods to work with lists and arrays.
Identify and fix some common pitfalls when using LINQ with lists and arrays.
Use LINQ to refactor conditionals.
Learn new LINQ methods and overloads in .NET 6.
Learn what LINQ is and what lambda expressions are.

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Getting Started

3 Lessons

Get familiar with LINQ's capabilities, declarative programming, and essential C# prerequisites.


Syntax & Pitfalls

3 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of LINQ syntax, common mistakes, and error-handling practices.


Refactor with LINQ

4 Lessons

Solve problems in refactoring code using LINQ methods to streamline checks and validations.


What's New in LINQ?

6 Lessons

Focus on new LINQ methods, enhanced data handling, and streamlined collection manipulation.



1 Lessons

Build on LINQ's core concepts to simplify and enhance code readability in C#.
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