HomeCoursesGetting Started with TypeScript ORM Libraries for Node.js



Getting Started with TypeScript ORM Libraries for Node.js
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Gain insights into Node.js, Express, and TypeScript advantages. Learn Docker setup for PostgreSQL, discover Prisma and TypeORM, and explore advanced ORM features via hands-on projects.
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Course Overview

Object Relational Mappers (ORM) are becoming popular in building modern backend applications as they help maintain a consistent codebase, improve security, and provide ease in working with different databases. Also, TypeScript has almost become a must-use language for building JavaScript applications. In this course, you’ll start by getting familiar with Node.js and Express. You’ll then go over the main features of TypeScript and its advantages over JavaScript. Next, you’ll learn how to do a Docker setup o...Show More
Object Relational Mappers (ORM) are becoming popular in building modern backend applications as they help maintain a consistent ...Show More


A familiarity with TypeScript and its use in Node.js
A basic knowledge of ORMs and their use in building Node.js applications
Hands-on experience with TypeScript and SQL for Node.js by building real life applications
An understanding of the SQL basics
A basic understanding of code modularization and best practices in Node.js for large codebases
A familiarity with TypeScript and its use in Node.js

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Course Content


Course Overview

1 Lessons

Get familiar with TypeScript ORM essentials, ensuring enhanced database interaction and code consistency.


Node.js Features and Setup

4 Lessons

Look at Node.js features, setup, Express framework, and REST API creation using Express.


TypeScript Features and Setup

7 Lessons

Break apart TypeScript features, setup, functions, interfaces, best practices, and compilation process.


SQL – Introduction and Setup

5 Lessons

Break down the steps to set up SQL databases and Docker for efficient data management.


Understanding ORMs for Node.js

3 Lessons

Take a closer look at ORMs, common terminologies, and popular TypeScript ORMs for Node.js.


Advanced Topics

2 Lessons

Try out advanced SQL queries with ORMs and set up CI/CD pipelines for deployment.



1 Lessons

Look at the benefits of TypeScript ORMs, best practices, and future learning opportunities.
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