Cloud PubSub

Introduction to Cloud PubSub

Cloud PubSub is a managed processing queue/messaging service which works on the Publisher and Subscriber model. A publisher publishes the message to a particular topic and all the subscribers which are subscribed to that topic receive the message until the acknowledgment is not sent.

PubSub guarantees that message will be sent to the subscribers at least once. You can consider PubSub as an alternative to Apache Kafka which is an open-source alternative.

Let’s explore more about Cloud PubSub.


The PubSub is used to decouple services from each other and enable them to scale independently. The services can communicate with each other using the queue and send updates to all other services which are dependent on them.

Apart from this, PubSub can also be used to gather real-time data from different IoT devices and push it to BigQuery for analysis. The Cloud PubSub is integrated with most of the GCP services by default. You can easily access the integration on the home page of the service itself. But for now, we will focus on Cloud PubSub only.

Let’s understand the PubSub workflow in detail.


Cloud PubSub architecture has 6 components.

  1. Topic: Logical queue which acts as an interface between subscribers and publishers. The topic is a way to logically organize the communication channel between subscribers and publishers.

    For example, We can have a topic named “Music” where all the music-related messages are published. If any subscriber wants to get updates related to the music only, then it can subscribe to that channel/topic.

  2. Publisher: In the pub-sub architecture, the first part pub stands for the publisher. The Publisher is something that sends out messages to the queue. It can be any HTTP client ...