

Installing and Configuring GCP SDK

Installing and Configuring GCP SDK

This lesson discusses getting started with CLI.

Installing Google Cloud SDK

GCP also provides a command-line interface using the SDK. The CLI interface provides more functionality over GUI or a website. In fact, there are some tasks that cannot be accomplished using the website, and these tasks/functionalities need to be done via CLI only.

So, let’s see how to install and configure Google Cloud CLI.

Installation without Docker

There are multiple ways to install the SDK. The recommended way to install anything is to open up official documentation and look at the installation method for your system. The official documentation is always updated for installation. If you don’t have Docker and are willing to install it natively on the OS, feel free to use the Quickstart Installation guide for your OS and follow the steps for your systems.

If you want to use the Docker version of SDK, that’s also fine. Since Docker abstracts all the dependencies and works on all the systems, Docker is the quickest way to get started. However, you need to learn docker if you haven’t learned it yet.

If you want to know the basics to get started with Docker quickly, here is the ...