Reorder List

Try to solve the Reorder List problem.


Given the head of a singly linked list, reorder the list as if it were folded on itself. For example, if the list is represented as follows:

L0L_{0} → L1L_{1} → L2L_{2} → … → Ln−2L_{n-2} → Ln−1L_{n-1} → LnL_{n} ​

This is how you’ll reorder it:

L0L_{0} → LnL_{n} → L1L_{1} → Ln−1L_{n - 1} → L2L_{2} → Ln−2L_{n - 2} → …

You don’t need to modify the values in the list’s nodes; only the links between nodes need to be changed.


  • The range of number of nodes in the list is [1,500][1, 500].

  • −500≤-500 \leq Node→value ≤500\leq 500


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