

Count Square Submatrices

Count Square Submatrices

Let's solve the Count Square Submatrices problem using Dynamic Programming.


Given a matrix containing only ones and zeros, count the total number of square submatrices that contain only ones.

If the matrix is empty, then return 0.


  • 1<=1 <= matrix.length <=2000<= 2000
  • 1<=1 <= matrix[i].length <=2000<= 2000
  • matrix[i][j] is either 00 or 11




Square Submatrices with all Ones



[1, 0, 1]

[1, 1, 0]

[1, 1, 0]





[1, 1, 1],

[1, 1, 1],

[1, 1, 1]



Try it yourself

Implement your solution in the following playground.

Press + to interact
usercode > CountSquares.java
import java.util.*;
class CountSquareSubmatrices {
public static int countSquares(int[][] matrix) {
// your code will replace the placeholder return statement below
return -1;
Count Square Submatrices

Note: If you clicked the “Submit” button and the code timed out, this means that your solution needs to be optimized in terms of running time.

Hint: Use dynamic programming and see the magic.


We will first explore the naive recursive solution to this problem and then see how it can be improved using the 0/1 knapsack dynamic programming pattern.

Naive approach

The naive approach would be to iterate over all the square submatrices and check if they contain all ones.

We iterate over the entire matrix and at each cell, we check if the value is 00 or 11. If the value is 11, we call the helper function which returns ...