Equal Sum Subarrays

Let's solve the Equal Sum Subrrays problem using Dynamic Programming.


For a given array nums, determine if the array can be divided into two subarrays such that the sum of both the subarrays is equal.

For example, we have an array [1,2,3][1, 2, 3]:

  • The total length of this array can be denoted as nn that is 33.

  • An array can only be divided into two equal subarrays if the total sum of the array is even. In this case, the total sum of array elements is 1+2+3=61 + 2 + 3 = 6, so two equal sum subarrays can be obtained here, as [1,2][1, 2] and [3][3], both having an equal sum of 33.

  • In this case, TRUE will be returned as the array can be divided into two equal sum subarrays.

  • In case, the sum of array elements is odd or the array can not be divided into two equal sum subarrays, FALSE will be returned.


  • 11 \leqnums.length 200\leq 200

  • 11 \leq nums[i] ...