The Catalan Numbers

Let's solve The Catalan Numbers problem using Dynamic Programming.


Given a number n, find the nthn^{th} Catalan number.

Catalan numbers are a special sequence of numbers given by the following set of formulas:

C0=1C_0 = 1

Cn=i=0n1CiCn1iC_n = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} C_iC_{n-1-i}

The first expression gives the base case of the formula. The second expression says that the nthn^{th} Catalan number is simply the sum of products of specific Catalan number pairs. These specific pairs are just Catalan numbers with the same distance from either end of the series.

C4C_4 for example would be equal to:

C4=C0C3+C1C2+C2C1+C3C0C_4 = C_0C_3 + C_1C_2 + C_2C_1 + C_3C_0 ...