/Leadership/Management Phone Screen
Leadership/Management Phone Screen
Learn about the leadership phone screen and the possible questions that can be asked.
The objective of this interview is to evaluate if a candidate is a good fit for the role and the organization and if they should be brought in for a full loop. It costs a lot of resources for the company to conduct a full loop which is normally done on-site. A leadership phone screen aims to determine if a candidate can succeed in the full loop. They will bring the person in for a full loop only if an individual passes the phone screen interview.
Interview structure
The structure of this interview varies from company to company. However, at an abstract level, it is considered a short version of the full loop interview. It focuses on selective leadership areas and is usually conducted by someone from the engineering leadership team.
Usually, the leadership phone screen includes questions on people management, project management, and technical knowledge, with varying degrees of depth, depending on the company. Normally, there is a recruiter screen before the actual phone screen, during which the recruiter asks questions to learn about the candidate’s background and experience. The recruiter screen is generally done by a senior recruiter lead and lasts for 15–30 minutes. The candidate's profile is then matched with the specific job description or role in the company.