HomeCoursesHandling Financial Services with Square API in JavaScript



Handling Financial Services with Square API in JavaScript
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Learn about integrating Square APIs for business operations in JavaScript. Gain hands-on experience with payment workflows, order creation, and invoice generation to enhance financial services.
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Course Overview

Square offers digital payments and financial services to its customers. Developers can integrate Square APIs to help businesses grow. This course provides a strong foundation for integrating Square APIs for business operations. In this course, you’ll first get an introduction to Square APIs and the different endpoints it offers. Then, you’ll be provided with a step-by-step guide on how to sign up for an account and retrieve the API key. Next, you’ll get a hands-on guide on using payment, order, and invoice...Show More
Square offers digital payments and financial services to its customers. Developers can integrate Square APIs to help businesses ...Show More


Familiarity with various Square APIs for business operations
An understanding of order creation and retrieval mechanisms using Square API
The ability to generate and update invoices
A working knowledge of making, recording, and refunding payments using Square API
Hands-on experience integrating Square APIs in a React application
Familiarity with various Square APIs for business operations

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Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with integrating Square API for managing orders and financial operations.


Square Business APIs

2 Lessons

Unpack the core of managing Square seller data with Merchants and Locations APIs.


Manage Payments

4 Lessons

Work your way through managing, retrieving, completing, canceling, and refunding Square API payments.


Process Orders

3 Lessons

Enhance your skills in generating, retrieving, and paying for orders using Square APIs.


Handle Invoices

2 Lessons

Take a closer look at managing and retrieving invoices using the Square API in JavaScript.


Square SDK

2 Lessons

Tackle integrating Square SDK for efficient e-learning transactions and API calls.


APIs Integration in React

1 Lessons

Practice using React to integrate Square APIs in an e-commerce application.



1 Lessons

Learn how to use Square APIs to integrate Payments, Orders, and Invoices in JavaScript.
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