Why Take This Course?

A brief overview of what you'll learn in this course.

We'll cover the following...

The graphical user interface, or GUI, is designed for a general user and provides most of the necessary features needed for user interaction. Your smartphone doesn’t have a user-accessible command-line interface, or CLI, because it’s aimed at the general consumer. You’re only able to access basic features.

But you’re not a general consumer. You’re a programmer, a software developer crafting the best code from the finest bits. With the CLI, you can do everything you can do in the GUI and more.

One of the best features of the CLI is that you can turn those basic commands into scripts that you can execute, meaning you can automate common tasks with ease. That’s why popular programming languages and frameworks like Node.js, Ember, React, Elixir, Ruby, Python, and many others rely so heavily on the CLI. With this course, you’ll learn how to put this interface to work for you.

Learning objectives

In this course, you’ll do the following:

  • Learn how to access the CLI.

  • Learn how to create a new virtual machine to run the Ubuntu environment.

  • Learn to navigate quickly via absolute paths, relative paths, and shortcuts on the CLI.

  • Learn how to redirect program output.

  • Accelerate your workflow by making customizations to your CLI.

  • Get introduced to streams of text, and learn how they can be useful in the CLI environment.

  • Explore tools for navigation and management.