HomeCoursesHarnessing the Power of the Command-Line Interface


5h 30min

Harnessing the Power of the Command-Line Interface
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Gain insights into the command-line interface, delve into navigating file systems, creating scripts, and automating tasks to enhance productivity and control your computer efficiently.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will get the chance to explore the command-line interface (CLI), starting with basics like navigating file systems and working with directories and files. Then, you will use those building blocks to tackle more advanced features and tasks within the CLI. You will also learn to turn basic commands into executable scripts and easily automate common tasks. This course will empower you to put the interface to work, take complete control of your computer, and hack your way to productivity.
In this course, you will get the chance to explore the command-line interface (CLI), starting with basics like navigating file s...Show More


Understand the working of the command-line interface.
Learn how to create an Ubuntu virtual machine.
Understand navigating the filesystem and directories.
Learn about networking tools like web APIs, cURL, Secure Shell, rsync, and Netcat.
Learn about executing programs and automating tasks, including scripts.
Understand program tools like ranger, pandoc, direnv, HTTP, Pygments, jrln, jq, and Siege.
Understand the working of the command-line interface.

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Course Content



7 Lessons

Get started with automating tasks, writing scripts, and enhancing productivity using make and bash.



2 Lessons

Enhance your skills in Bash CLI tools, alternative shells, and real-world application.
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