HomeCoursesAn Introductory Guide to Data Science and Machine Learning



An Introductory Guide to Data Science and Machine Learning
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Gain insights into data science fundamentals, explore machine learning and big data, and delve into real-time projects. Discover systematic approaches to data acquisition, wrangling, and solving diverse problems.
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Course Overview

There is a lot of dispersed, and somewhat conflicting information on the internet when it comes to data science, making it tough to know where to start. Don't worry. This course will get you familiar with the state of data science and the related fields such as machine learning and big data. You will be going through the fundamental concepts and libraries which are essential to solve any problem in this field. You will work on real-time projects from Kaggle while also honing your mathematical skills whi...Show More
There is a lot of dispersed, and somewhat conflicting information on the internet when it comes to data science, making it tough...Show More

Course Content


What is Data Science ?

4 Lessons

Get familiar with the core concepts and distinctions of data science and its lifecycle.


Applications of Data Science

2 Lessons

Get started with data science in healthcare, recommender systems, and image analysis applications.


Overview of Libraries

13 Lessons

Break apart essential data science libraries: Beautiful Soup for web scraping, Numpy for array operations, Pandas for data analysis, and Spacy for NLP.


Machine Learning Part-1

21 Lessons

Deepen your knowledge of machine learning basics, types, regression techniques, feature engineering, and model evaluation measures.


Machine Learning Tools and Libraries

3 Lessons

Get started with essential tools and libraries for efficient machine learning.


Big Data Tools and Technologies

4 Lessons

Examine Big Data characteristics, Hadoop, Map Reduce, Apache Spark, and their applications.


Where to go next ?

3 Lessons

Apply your skills to Kaggle, courses from Educative, and essential references.
Certificate of Completion
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