HomeCoursesAn Introduction to Apache Airflow



An Introduction to Apache Airflow
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Course Overview

Apache Airflow has become the dominant and ubiquitous Big Data workflow management system, leaving Oozie and other competitors miles behind in terms of features and functionality. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Apache Airflow starting with DAGs, DagRuns, Tasks and Task Instances - the building blocks of this popular technology. You’ll then move on to understanding the architecture, creating operators and sensors, and understanding XCom. In the latter half, you’ll learn about branching...Show More
Apache Airflow has become the dominant and ubiquitous Big Data workflow management system, leaving Oozie and other competitors m...Show More


Understanding the basics of Apache Airflow
Learn to code operators, sensors, hooks, and other building blocks that make up an Airflow DAG
Interact with Airflow in browsers and see the theory read in action
Understanding the basics of Apache Airflow

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