HomeCoursesIntroduction to Computers & Programming



Introduction to Computers & Programming
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Gain insights into basic computer anatomy, binary systems, and program lifecycles. Delve into logic building and core programming concepts with hands-on exercises and quizzes to reinforce learning.
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Course Overview

This language-agnostic course is your guide to programming and acquiring problem-solving skills. You will start reviewing the anatomy of computers and the binary number system. You will then look at the lifecycle of a program before moving on to the core concepts of programming. Overall, the primary focus of this course is logic building within the context of computer science and programming. Throughout each chapter, you will get hands-on experience with exercises and quizzes to solidify what you’ve learne...Show More
This language-agnostic course is your guide to programming and acquiring problem-solving skills. You will start reviewing the an...Show More


Learning the anatomy of a computer
Learning how information is represented in a computer
Understanding the lifecycle of a program
Learning the key steps to solving problems
Learning to write pseudocode
Learning to draw flowcharts
Discovering how conditional statements are used in programs
Understanding how repetition is achieved in programs
Learning the anatomy of a computer

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with fundamental programming concepts, computer anatomy, and basic problem-solving tools.


Getting to Know Computers

5 Lessons

Look at computer components, binary data, programming basics, and program lifecycles.


Problem Solving

5 Lessons

Break apart problem-solving steps, pseudocode, flowcharts, and practical programming challenges.



5 Lessons

Enhance your skills in understanding variables, calculations, and swapping values using pseudocode.



1 Lessons

Build on foundational knowledge to start coding in C++, Java, JavaScript, and Python.
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