Consistent hashing is a popular algorithm and databases such as DynamoDB, Cassandra, ScyllaDB, and Riak use this algorithm to scale systems. In this lesson, we will explain the algorithm.

What is consistent hashing?

Consistent hashing is a hashing algorithm in which only k/nk/n keys are remapped if the number of nodes changes. Here kk is the number of keys and nn is the number of slots, i.e., nodes.

In traditional hashing algorithms, a change in the number of slots requires many keys to be remapped. In the consistent hashing algorithm, the remap is tolerable, which is why databases have adopted this strategy.

Let’s discuss.

The hash ring

In general hashing, the keys are mapped to a one-dimension space. Assuming the hash key range is 00 to 23212^{32}-1, the keyspace is a one-dimensional array.

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