HomeCoursesIntroduction to Distributed Systems for Dummies



Introduction to Distributed Systems for Dummies
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Gain insights into distributed systems, learn architectural patterns like replication and sharding, and explore Apache Spark and Druid to design and develop effective distributed applications.
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Course Overview

Gone are the days when monolithic applications were the norm. Most applications that we use today are too complex for that type of construction. Instead, most applications that appear as a single unit are actually built as a collection of inter-operating but independent computational components. Developers are expected to have mastery over a programming language or two. Moreover, they should also know the basics of distributed systems in order to succeed. In this course, you’ll learn what a distributed sys...Show More
Gone are the days when monolithic applications were the norm. Most applications that we use today are too complex for that type ...Show More


Mastery over the nature of and the need for distributed systems
An understanding of the core problems in developing distributed systems
Appreciation of the challenges in distributed systems related to storage, communication, and processing
Familiarity with key architectural patterns in distributed system design
In-depth knowledge through case studies of some popular distributed systems
Mastery over the nature of and the need for distributed systems

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Course Content



5 Lessons

Step through the essentials of distributed systems and their significance for modern applications.


Communication Between Nodes

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of database communication, microservice protocols, and asynchronous messaging in distributed systems.


Data Processing in Large Scale

4 Lessons

Solve problems in large-scale data processing using batch and stream processing techniques.


Distributed System Architectural Patterns

5 Lessons

Follow the process of implementing replicated, sharded, lambda, and CQRS patterns in distributed systems.


Case Study 1: Apache Spark

2 Lessons

Master the steps to efficiently handle and analyze big data using Apache Spark.


Case Study 2: Apache Druid

2 Lessons

Learn how to use Apache Druid and understand its distinct OLAP database architecture.



1 Lessons

Look at practical tips, resources, and encouragement for success in distributed systems.
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