Home>Courses>An Introduction to Spark


2h 50min

Certificate of Completion

An Introduction to Spark

Gain insights into Spark, its architecture, application lifecycle, and APIs. Delve into data frames, datasets, and Spark SQL to effectively manage and query big data.
Gain insights into Spark, its architecture, application lifecycle, and APIs. Delve into data frames, datasets, and Spark SQL to effectively manage and query big data.


Adaptive Learning



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This course includes

26 Lessons
20 Playgrounds
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Course Overview

Spark has come to dominate the big data processing space in a short span of time since its release and now serves as the de-facto unified big data processing engine in the industry. In this course, you will get a complete introduction to the basics of Spark. You will start by learning about the architecture, the application lifecycle, and its API. From there, you will dive into the data frame data structure and its API as well as the strongly-typed datasets API. Lastly, you’ll get into the Spark SQL engi...Show More
Spark has come to dominate the big data processing space in a short span of time since its release and now serves as the de-fact...Show More

What You'll Learn

Basics of Spark
Spark Architecture
Spark SQL
Spark DataFrames
Spark Datasets
Basics of Spark

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Course Content



5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Spark DataFrames for efficient, structured data analysis and manipulation.



4 Lessons

Break apart the essentials of Spark Datasets, including creation, schema definitions, and encoder utilization.



1 Lessons

Take a closer look at Spark's integration in Big Data, offering foundational knowledge.

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