HomeCoursesJavaScript in Practice: Getting Started



JavaScript in Practice: Getting Started

Delve into practical JavaScript skills, from basic concepts to integration with HTML/CSS, and discover its history and evolution in software development through hands-on exercises.
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You can expect some beginner-friendly content in this course, along with some learning paths. I strongly believe in practical application. Therefore, I will not bore you with facts, long theories, or rants about which parts of JavaScript I consider good or bad. This course is all about getting our hands dirty and understanding how JavaScript works inside out. This highly practical course will start off from covering basic programming concepts in Javascript to introducing JavaScript with HTML and CSS. In ad...Show More
You can expect some beginner-friendly content in this course, along with some learning paths. I strongly believe in practical ap...Show More



Introduction to JavaScript

2 Lessons

Get familiar with JavaScript basics, including writing code, using comments, and initial syntax.


All about Arrays

3 Lessons

Work your way through array concepts, from basic structure to manipulation techniques.


Functions and Operators

4 Lessons

Apply your skills to mastering JavaScript functions, type identification, and various operators.


Executing Selective Instructions

4 Lessons

Map out the steps for using if-else, switch statements, and ternary operators in JavaScript.



6 Lessons

Follow the process of using various JavaScript loops for iteration and efficient coding.


Values and Reference Types

4 Lessons

Build on JavaScript's distinction between value and reference types to manage data effectively.


Cloning Objects

6 Lessons

Step through cloning objects in JavaScript, covering shallow copies, prototypal inheritance, and deep copies.


JavaScript with HTML and CSS

4 Lessons

Master the steps to integrate JavaScript with HTML and CSS for dynamic, maintainable web pages.


The Modern Javascript

6 Lessons

Find out about modern advancements, ecosystems, and opportunities in JavaScript development.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

Course Author:

Trusted by 2.6 million developers working at companies

Hands-on Learning Powered by AI

See how Educative uses AI to make your learning more immersive than ever before.

Instant Code Feedback

Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

Adaptive Learning

Explain with AI

AI Code Mentor

Free Resources


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