HomeCoursesKotlin Crash Course for Programmers



Kotlin Crash Course for Programmers
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Gain insights into Kotlin’s basics, including variable declarations, data types, conditions, loops, and functions. Discover how to write simple Kotlin scripts and transition to advanced programming.
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Course Overview

Kotlin is quickly joining the ranks of the most popular programming languages. Now that Google supports Kotlin for Android app development as the primary choice over Java, we’ll only see more developers making the switch. So if you’re looking to get started with Android app development, then you’ve come to the right place. This course will be your guide on getting started with Kotlin. We’ll go over all the language basics including variable declarations, data types and the type system to conditions, loops,...Show More
Kotlin is quickly joining the ranks of the most popular programming languages. Now that Google supports Kotlin for Android app d...Show More


Confidence using Kotlin
Strong understanding of Kotlin fundamentals
Ability to write own applications and scripts using Kotlin
Confidence using Kotlin

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Course Content


Hello Kotlin!

3 Lessons

Learn how to use Kotlin's features and principles for effective programming.


Variables and Data Types

4 Lessons

Look at Kotlin's variable mutability, data types, type inference, and nullable types to enhance code safety.



3 Lessons

Examine Kotlin's conditional control flow using `if` and `when` for flexible, concise code.



4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Kotlin collections—lists, sets, arrays, and maps for effective data management.



2 Lessons

Dig into Kotlin's `while` and `for` loops for flexible iteration strategies.



7 Lessons

Focus on understanding Kotlin functions, their syntax, entry points, shorthand, defaults, extensions, infix, and operator functions.


Equality Checks

2 Lessons

Build on the nuances of referential and structural equality, and precision in floating-point checks.


Exception Handling

2 Lessons

Sharpen your skills in handling exceptions in Kotlin for robust error management.



2 Lessons

Unpack the core of Kotlin fundamentals and explore advanced resources for skill enhancement.
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