HomeCoursesLearn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from Scratch



Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from Scratch
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Discover the essentials of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build interactive web applications through hands-on exercises, creating modules like an image carousel and a to-do list.
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Course Overview

This course will teach you the fundamentals of creating web applications, from the basics of creating web pages with HTML, stylizing content with CSS, all the way to building interactivity into a page using JavaScript in the browser. Instead of watching tedious videos and wondering how to translate those videos into real code, you'll be practicing what you learn through interactive, test-based exercises within minutes. Along the way, you'll be able to produce functional modules, including an image carous...Show More
This course will teach you the fundamentals of creating web applications, from the basics of creating web pages with HTML, styli...Show More


Creating basic pages with HTML
Styling HTML content with CSS
Basic programming in JavaScript
Adding interactivity through DOM
Creating basic pages with HTML

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Front-end Development

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Course Content


Semantic Web Page Layout with HTML

9 Lessons

Learn how to use HTML for structuring semantic, accessible, and well-organized web pages effectively.


Stylizing HTML Content using CSS

8 Lessons

Get started with CSS fundamentals, selectors, box model, color, font styling, and text alignment.


Introduction to JavaScript, Basic Data Types and Operators

5 Lessons

Examine JavaScript's key concepts: data types, variables, DOM manipulation, and operators.


JavaScript Program Flow and Data Structures

7 Lessons

Enhance your skills in JavaScript program flow and data structures, including functions, loops, arrays, and objects.


Building Interactivity with DOM Manipulation

6 Lessons

Solve problems in DOM manipulation, attribute modification, event handling, and dynamic CSS interactions.


Wrap Up

1 Lessons

Simplify complex topics in web development and enhance your practical skills.
Certificate of Completion
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