Challenge 2: Displaying Message Using Inheritance

In this challenge, can you extend a parent class with one function overridden for each child?

Problem statement

Whenever you visit a zoo, there are many types of animals in it. However, for each animal some things never change- they all have a name and an age. Also a country of origin. This time, we want you to use the concept of classes and inheritance to solve the exercise below!

Coding exercise

The code below has:

  • A parent class named Animal.

    • Inside it define:
      • name
      • age
      • set_data(int a,string b):
        • sets age and name parameters and to the given values.
  • Then there are two derived classes

    • Zebra
    • Dolphin
  • The derived classes should

    • Return a string containing a message telling the age and the name as well as information about place of origin of that animal.
      • Hint: You have to create two separate message functions for both the base classes.
      • Hint: The origin of Zebra is Africa, and the origin of Dolphin is New Zealand.


  • The animal_type named name is age years old. The animal_type comes from origin.

  • If we have an animal of class Zebra, whose name is Z with age, 2 and the country name Africa. The output should be as follows:

The zebra named Z is 2 years old. The zebra comes from Africa

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