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Getting Started with Java!
Hello World!
Hello World: Code Explanation
Compiling Your First Java Program!
Challenge: Play Around With 'print' Statement
Solution Review: Play Around With 'print' Statement
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Variables & User Input
Variables in Java
Data Types
Variable Syntax
Taking Variable Value From User
Challenge: Declaring Variables
Solution Review: Declaring Variables
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Simple Maths & Logic
Simple Java Maths
Mathematical Functions
Logical Expressions
Challenge 1: Compute an Expression Using Maths
Solution Review: Compute an Expression Using Maths
Challenge 2: Compute an Expression Using Logical Operators
Solution Review: Compute an Expression Using Logic
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Strings and String Processing
Java Strings
String Methods
Challenge: Finding the Right Words
Solution Review: Finding the Right Words
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Conditional Statements
Conditional Statement
if Conditional Statements
switch Statement
Conditional Expression
Challenge 1: Even or Odd
Solution Review: Even or Odd
Challenge 2: What Day is it?
Solution Review: What Day Is It?
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while & do-while Loops
for Loop
Infinite Loops
Challenge 1: Multiplication Table of a Number
Solution Review: Multiplication Table of a Number
Challenge 2: Calculating the First 'n' Fibonacci Numbers
Solution Review: Calculating the first 'n' Fibonacci numbers
Challenge 3: Pyramid Printing by Using 'for' Loop
Solution Review: Pyramid Printing by Using 'for' Loop
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Methods in Java
Parameters and Return Types in Methods
Return Parameters in Methods
Static Methods
Challenge 1: Method to Check Sum
Solution Review: Method to Check Sum
Challenge 2: Letter Grade to GPA
Solution Review: Letter Grade to GPA
Challenge 3: Sum of Digits in an Integer
Solution Review: Sum of Digits in an Integer
Challenge 4: Playing With Strings
Solution Review: Playing With Strings
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What Are Arrays?
A Bit More About Arrays
Two Dimensional Arrays
Challenge 1: Find the Maximum Value
Solution Review: Find the Maximum Value
Challenge 2: Sorting an Array
Solution Review: Sorting an Array
Challenge 3: Print a Matrix
Solution Review: Print a Matrix
Challenge 4: Pascal's Triangle
Solution Review: Pascal's Triangle
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Classes and Inheritance
Introduction to Classes
Class Member Methods
Inheritance in Java
Challenge 1: Calculating the Area
Solution Review: Calculating the Area
Challenge 2: Displaying Message Using Inheritance
Solution Review: Displaying Message Using Inheritance
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Introduction to Generics
Generic Class
Challenge 1: Finding Max in an Array
Solution Review: Finding Max in an Array
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ArrayLists in Java
Creating an ArrayList Object
Inbuilt Methods
Challenge 1: Gathering Zeros to the Start
Solution Review: Gathering Zeros to the Start
Challenge 2: Remove Duplicates From an ArrayList
Solution Review: Remove Duplicates From an ArrayList
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Course Assessment
Java Exam
Learn Intermediate Java
Let's discuss constructor in this lesson.
We'll cover the following...
Introduction to a constructor
Introduction to a constructor