

String Methods

String Methods

In this lesson, we will see the functionality of inbuilt methods in String Class.


Java provides special support for the concatenation of multiple Strings. Concatenation is referred to as the joining of two or more Strings. This is done by the use of the + operator. The code below shows an example of both.

Did you know? The interesting thing is that the + operator can be used to not only join a String with other Strings but also join Strings with other types of objects.

Press + to interact
class concat {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String one = "Hello";
String two = " World";
int number = 10;
// concatenating two strings
System.out.println(one + two);
//concatenating a number and string
System.out.println(one + " " + number);
//saving concatenated string and printing
String new_string = one + two + " " + number;

Note: Keep in mind that using the + operator will first convert the number or other objects to String type and then ...