

Declaration and Implementation

Declaration and Implementation

In this lesson, you will learn about the declaration and implementation details of a class.

The written code of a class and its attributes are known as the definition or implementation of the class.


In Java, we define classes in the following way:

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class ClassName { // Class name
/* All member variables
and methods*/

The class keyword tells the compiler that we are creating our custom class. All the members of the class will be defined within the class scope.

Creating a class object

The name of the class, ClassName, will be used to create an instance of the class in our main program. We can create an object of a class by using the keyword new:

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class ClassName { // Class name
// Main method
public static void main(String args[]) {
ClassName obj = new ClassName(); // className object

Implementation of a Car class

Let’s implement the Car class illustrated below:

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//The Structure of a Java Class
class Car { // Class name
// Class Data members
int topSpeed;
int totalSeats;
int fuelCapacity;
String manufacturer;
// Class Methods
void refuel(){
void park(){
void drive(){