

Challenge 1: Multiplication Table of a Number

Challenge 1: Multiplication Table of a Number

Let's try printing the multiplication table of a number in this lesson.

Problem statement

Write a piece of code that will:

  • Print the multiplication table of a number $num up to 10.
  • You have to use while loop for solving this problem.
  • Your code should return the string $ans with all the values computed from multiplication appended in that string.
    • Here’s a link showing how you can add values to a string.


An integer.


A string.

Sample Input:


Sample output

Here’s an illustration showing what the string $ans should have stored in it at the end of the while loop for the above mentioned input.

Note: Just like it is shown in the picture above, the values in the string should have spaces in between them. You can add a space by simply adding quotation marks with space in between them to your string, like this: " ".

Coding challenge

Write your code below. It is recommended that you try solving the exercise yourself before viewing the solution.

Good Luck!

# $num is available as number passed to print the table
# initialize variable to use in while loop
$ans = "xyz"; #return the correct value in this string
#write your code for while loop here
return $ans;