

Solution Review: Letter Grade to GPA

Solution Review: Letter Grade to GPA

In this lesson, we'll look at the explanation of the last challenge.

We'll cover the following...

Let’s look at the solution first before jumping into the explanation:

Press + to interact
sub gpaPoint{
$grade = @_[0];
if($grade eq "A+")
{return 4;}
elsif($grade eq "A")
{ return 4;}
elsif($grade eq "A-")
{return 3.7;}
elsif($grade eq "B+")
{ return 3.3;}
elsif($grade eq "B")
{ return 3;}
elsif($grade eq "B-")
{ return 2.8;}
elsif($grade eq "C+")
{ return 2.5;}
elsif($grade eq "C")
{ return 2;}
elsif($grade eq "C-")
{ return 1.8;}
elsif($grade eq "D")
{ return 1.5;}
elsif($grade eq "F")
{ return 0;}
{return -1;}
print gpaPoint("B+"); # change value to check for multiple grades


We can get the passed parameter by using @_[0] and by using if elsif else statement, we can compare the passed parameter and return the GPA accordingly.