Challenge 3: Printing Pyramid

Test your understanding of loops by printing a half pyramid for a given number of rows in this lesson.

Problem statement

Write code which prints half a pyramid of the alphabet a.

  • The code takes an integer variable $rows as input and prints the pyramid with that number of rows displaying a.

Hint: Use for loops to implement the solution.


An integer.


Print the character a on the console.

Sample input

$rows is equal to 5.

Sample output

Note: In order to move values to next line you can use \n.

Coding challenge

Write your code below. It is recommended that you try solving the exercise yourself before viewing the solution.

Good Luck!

#the $rows variable contains the number of rows that you need to print
#write the code for making and printing the pyramid here
#use can use \n to move numers to next line in the pyramid
#use " " to add space between numbers in pyramid
print"\n"; #comment out this line when you start writing code