

Advanced Aggregations

Advanced Aggregations

Learn about advanced aggregation in SQL.

In today’s dynamic retail environment, we often need to summarize data to get both detailed insights and an overall picture. Imagine we are tasked with generating a sales report of OnlineStore that not only shows the total sales for each product but also includes a grand total for all products combined. This is where advanced aggregations shine. 

Let's explore the advanced techniques of data aggregation. We'll aim to:

  • Understand why advanced aggregation techniques like WITH ROLLUP are useful.

  • Understand how to perform advanced aggregations using WITH ROLLUP.

  • Perform grouping with automatic subtotals and grand totals.

Understanding advanced aggregation

Advanced aggregation refers to the advanced techniques we use in SQL to perform complex summarizations of our data. While basic aggregation functions like SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, and MAX provide us with overall figures for a group, advanced aggregation allows us to go further by generating additional layers of summary, such as subtotals and grand totals.

We need advanced aggregation as it helps us build comprehensive reports that require not just simple totals but also a detailed breakdown of ...