

Database Operations

Database Operations

Learn about basic operations to manage a database.

We often find ourselves needing to restructure or clean up our database to keep our data accurate and well-organized. For instance, imagine we have a table in the OnlineStore database that is no longer relevant, and we need to remove its data quickly. Or we might want to rename a table to better reflect newly added columns or a changing business need. We could even need to delete an entire database if it has become outdated. All of this is possible with these SQL operations with TRUNCATE TABLE, RENAME TABLE, and DROP DATABASE.

Let's learn how to efficiently manage these crucial actions in the database lifecycle. We'll keep our focus:

  • To understand the purpose and usage of TRUNCATE TABLE

  • To learn how to rename tables using RENAME TABLE

  • To explore how to remove an entire database with DROP DATABASE


Truncating a table is a quick way to remove all rows from a table without deleting the table itself. This operation is helpful when we want to start fresh with a clean table, but still keep the schema and any associated constraints. Unlike DELETE, which removes rows one by one, TRUNCATE TABLE is often more efficient but cannot be reversed once executed. The ...