

Range and List Filtering

Range and List Filtering

Learn to use range and list filtering in SQL.

Imagine we want to find products in a certain price range or belonging to a specific set of categories from the store inventory. For instance, maybe we want products priced between $10 and $30, or we might only want to see products in specific categories like Electronics or Kitchenware. Filtering our data this way helps us focus on what matters most in our current analysis and saves us time from scrolling through irrelevant results. These tasks are efficiently handled in SQL using the BETWEEN and IN clauses.

Let's dive into filtering data in SQL. We'll go step by step to:

  • Understand use of BETWEEN operator to filter rows within a numeric or date range.

  • Learn how the IN operator helps filter rows that match values in a specified list.

  • Understand scenarios where these operators make our queries more concise and easier to manage.

Filtering data with BETWEEN

Working with ranges is common when we deal with numeric fields, such as product prices, or even dates, such as the order dates. Instead of using multiple comparison operators like \geq and \leq ...