Rental Search Ranking System Design

Learn about the rental search ranking system design for Airbnb.

4. Calculation & estimation


  • 100 million monthly active users
  • On average, users book rental homes 5 times per year. Users see about 30 rentals from the search result before booking.
  • There are 5 * 30 * 108{10 ^ 8} or 15 billion observations/samples per year or 1.25 billion samples per month.

Data size

  • Assume there are hundreds of features per sample. For the sake of simplicity, each row takes 500 bytes to store.
  • Total data size: 500 * 1.25 * 109{10^9} = 625 * 109{10^9} bytes = 625 GB. To save costs, we can keep the last 6 months or 1 year of data in the data lake, and archive old data in cold storage.


  • Support 150 million users

5. High-level design

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