Home>Courses>Master Explainable AI: Interpreting Image Classifier Decisions



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Master Explainable AI: Interpreting Image Classifier Decisions

Discover Explainable AI tools to interpret deep learning classifiers. Use saliency maps, activation maps, and metrics to lead the GenAI revolution and future-proof your skills.
Discover Explainable AI tools to interpret deep learning classifiers. Use saliency maps, activation maps, and metrics to lead the GenAI revolution and future-proof your skills.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

34 Lessons
1 Project
1 Assessment
30 Playgrounds
5 Quizzes
Course Overview
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Course Overview

Explainable AI is a set of tools and frameworks that helps you understand and interpret the internal logic behind the predictions made by a deep learning network. With this, you can generate insights into the behavior and working of the model to mitigate issues around it in the development phase. In this course, you will be introduced to popular Explainable AI algorithms such as smooth gradient, integrated gradient, LIME, class activation maps, counterfactual explanations, feature attributions, etc., for i...Show More
Explainable AI is a set of tools and frameworks that helps you understand and interpret the internal logic behind the prediction...Show More

What You'll Learn

A deep understanding of the need and benefits of Explainable AI
The ability to design and implement popular explanation algorithms
Hands-on experience combining existing explanation methods to generate more robust explanations
An understanding of explainers used to interpret the decision of a neural network
The ability to evaluate and quantify the quality of the neural network explanations
A deep understanding of the need and benefits of Explainable AI

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Course Content


Introduction to Explainable AI

5 Lessons

Get familiar with Explainable AI to understand and implement transparent, interpretable AI systems.


Class Activation Maps

6 Lessons

Work your way through Class Activation Maps, GradCAM, X-GradCAM, Eigen-CAM, and Ablation-CAM techniques.


Miscellaneous Methods

6 Lessons

Apply your skills to various advanced methods for interpreting AI image classifiers.


Metrics of Interpretability

7 Lessons

Dig into interpretability metrics for AI, feature agreement, rank correlation, predictive faithfulness, and fairness.

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Adaptive Learning

Explain with AI

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