Solution: Expression Templates
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// vectorArithmeticExpressionTemplates.cpp#include <cassert>#include <iostream>#include <vector>template<typename T, typename Cont= std::vector<T> >class MyVector{Cont cont;public:// MyVector with initial sizeexplicit MyVector(const std::size_t n) : cont(n){}// MyVector with initial size and valueMyVector(const std::size_t n, const double initialValue) : cont(n, initialValue){}// Constructor for underlying containerexplicit MyVector(const Cont& other) : cont(other){}// assignment operator for MyVector of different typetemplate<typename T2, typename R2>MyVector& operator=(const MyVector<T2, R2>& other){assert(size() == other.size());for (std::size_t i = 0; i < cont.size(); ++i) cont[i] = other[i];return *this;}// size of underlying containerstd::size_t size() const{return cont.size();}// index operatorsT operator[](const std::size_t i) const{return cont[i];}T& operator[](const std::size_t i){return cont[i];}// returns the underlying dataconst Cont& data() const{return cont;}Cont& data(){return cont;}};// MyVector + MyVectortemplate<typename T, typename Op1 , typename Op2>class MyVectorAdd{const Op1& op1;const Op2& op2;public:MyVectorAdd(const Op1& a, const Op2& b): op1(a), op2(b){}T operator[](const std::size_t i) const{return op1[i] + op2[i];}std::size_t size() const{return op1.size();}};// MyVector - MyVectortemplate<typename T, typename Op1, typename Op2>class MyVectorSub {const Op1& op1;const Op2& op2;public:MyVectorSub(const Op1& a, const Op2& b) : op1(a), op2(b) {}T operator[](const std::size_t i) const {return op1[i] - op2[i];}std::size_t size() const {return op1.size();}};// elementwise MyVector * MyVectortemplate< typename T, typename Op1 , typename Op2 >class MyVectorMul {const Op1& op1;const Op2& op2;public:MyVectorMul(const Op1& a, const Op2& b ): op1(a), op2(b){}T operator[](const std::size_t i) const{return op1[i] * op2[i];}std::size_t size() const{return op1.size();}};// elementwise MyVector / MyVectortemplate< typename T, typename Op1, typename Op2 >class MyVectorDiv {const Op1& op1;const Op2& op2;public:MyVectorDiv(const Op1& a, const Op2& b) : op1(a), op2(b) {}T operator[](const std::size_t i) const {return op1[i] / op2[i];}std::size_t size() const {return op1.size();}};// function template for the + operatortemplate<typename T, typename R1, typename R2>MyVector<T, MyVectorAdd<T, R1, R2> >operator+ (const MyVector<T, R1>& a, const MyVector<T, R2>& b){return MyVector<T, MyVectorAdd<T, R1, R2> >(MyVectorAdd<T, R1, R2 >(,;}// function template for the - operatortemplate<typename T, typename R1, typename R2>MyVector<T, MyVectorSub<T, R1, R2> >operator- (const MyVector<T, R1>& a, const MyVector<T, R2>& b) {return MyVector<T, MyVectorSub<T, R1, R2> >(MyVectorSub<T, R1, R2 >(,;}// function template for the * operatortemplate<typename T, typename R1, typename R2>MyVector<T, MyVectorMul< T, R1, R2> >operator* (const MyVector<T, R1>& a, const MyVector<T, R2>& b){return MyVector<T, MyVectorMul<T, R1, R2> >(MyVectorMul<T, R1, R2 >(,;}// function template for the / operatortemplate<typename T, typename R1, typename R2>MyVector<T, MyVectorDiv< T, R1, R2> >operator/ (const MyVector<T, R1>& a, const MyVector<T, R2>& b) {return MyVector<T, MyVectorDiv<T, R1, R2> >(MyVectorDiv<T, R1, R2 >(,;}// function template for << operatortemplate<typename T>std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MyVector<T>& cont){std::cout << '\n';for (int i=0; i<cont.size(); ++i) {os << cont[i] << ' ';}os << '\n';return os;}int main(){MyVector<double> x(10,5.4);MyVector<double> y(10,10.3);MyVector<double> result(10);result = x + x + y * y - x + x + y / y;std::cout << result << '\n';}
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