

Adjacency Matrix

Adjacency Matrix

Learn how to represent a graph as an adjacency matrix.

We have already defined graphs in set-theoretic termsAs a set of vertices and a set of edges and represented them pictorially to impart intuition. However, we need an alternate representation that facilitates working with graphs algorithmically.

One such representation is the adjacency matrix representation. Using this representation, graphs can be stored as two-dimensional arrays.

Adjacency matrix for a simple graph

An adjacency matrix AA for a simple graphRecall that a graph is simple if it has at most one edge between a pair of vertices and if it has no loops. on nn vertices is an n×nn\times n matrix having the following properties:

  1. The ithi^{th} row and ithi^{th} column are associated with the same vertex, say viv_i.
  2. The value ai,ja_{i,j}