

Getting Started with Logarithms

Getting Started with Logarithms

Understand the properties of logarithmic functions in this lesson.

Before we get to the core of the course, there is a bit of a warm up we’d like to do and introduce some ideas which are useful in the long run. We start with a short review of the math that we need. If you’re comfortable with logarithms, the big-O notation, and the proof by contradiction technique, you can attempt the interactive exercises included within the lessons and then jump straight to the next chapter on graphs.

A logarithmic function is an inverse of an exponential function. For instance, consider an exponential function 2x2^x — it takes xx and maps it to xthx^{th} power of 22. Its inverse function log2\log_2, when applied to 2x2^x, recovers the original xx.

log2(2x)=x\log_2 (2^x)=x

Similarly, the inverse of 10x10^x is the function log10\log_{10} with the number 1010 serving as the base constant.

Note: In general, logbx\log_b x is the inverse of bxb^x, for any positive constant bb, where b1b \neq 1. This constant bb is called the base of the log\log function.

The base of a logarithmic function can be any positive number other than 1. Why is that? It has to do with the fact that 1x1^x is always 11, regardless of the value assigned to xx. So, this function 1x1^x doesn’t have a well-defined inverse. There are similar reasons for insisting that the base not be a negative number or a zero.

Note: The domain of a logarithmic function is the set of all positive real numbers.


Here are the conventions for denoting log functions of base 1010, 22, and ee, an irrational number called Euler’s constant.

  1. When the base of a log function is not listed, base 1010 is implied. For example, logx\log x means log10x\log_{10} x.

  2. When the base is 22, log2x\log_2 x is written lgx\lg x.

  3. When the base constant is ee, logex\log_e x is written lnx\ln x and referred to as the natural log of xx.

Let’s check out log functions against different bases.

Notice how there’s a dramatic decrease in the values taken by log10n\log_{10} n compared to the values taken by log2n\log_2 n.

This behavior is the opposite of what we would observe for the corresponding exponential functions, where changing the base from 2n2^n to 10n10^n would have a dramatic increase in the values taken by 10n10^n.

Properties of log functions

The following four properties hold for a log function, regardless of the choice of base constant bb. We list these for base 1010 for convenience only:

  • logxy=logx+logy\log xy = \log x + \log y

  • logx/y=logxlogy\log x/y = \log x - \log y

  • logxy=ylogx\log x^y = y\log x

  • logkxlogky=logyxfor any base k\displaystyle\frac{\log_k x}{\log_k y}= \log_y x \qquad \text{for any base } k

It is also helpful to remember that logb1=0\log_b 1 = 0 for any base bb.

A quick quiz

Take a quick quiz to test your understanding of logarithms.


(True or False) The function logbn\log_b n evaluates to 11 when nn equals the base bb.





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