

An Immediate Algorithm for DAGs

An Immediate Algorithm for DAGs

Learn about a single-source shortest-paths algorithm for directed acyclic graphs.

Looking at the idea of path-relaxation, our first fleeting thought is a wish to magically conjure an ordering of the edges so that relaxing them in that order would compute the svs - v shortest paths for all vertices vv in a digraph.

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It’s unlikely to discover such an algorithm for ordering of edges of an arbitrary directed graph, but for a certain class of directed graphs, such as the directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), the idea ties up neatly with the idea of topological sorting we discussed earlier.

When a DAG is topologically sorted, the vertices are ordered so that all edges in any path go from an earlier vertex in that ordered list to a later vertex in the list. This is also true for the edges of every shortest path. So just relaxing the outgoing edges from vertices—encountered in a topological sorted order—yields the ...