

Introduction to Operator Overloading

Introduction to Operator Overloading

Explore operator overloading and learn how to use custom operators in classes.

We'll cover the following...

In Kotlin, we can add an element to a list using the + operator. In the same way, we can add two strings together. We can check if a collection contains an element using the in operator. We can also add, subtract, or multiply elements of type BigDecimal, which is a JVM class that is used to represent possibly big numbers with unlimited precision.

Press + to interact
import java.math.BigDecimal
fun main() {
val list: List<String> = listOf("A", "B")
val newList: List<String> = list + "C"
println(newList) // [A, B, C]
val str1: String = "AB"
val str2: String = "CD"
val str3: String = str1 + str2
println(str3) // ABCD
println("A" in list) // true
println("C" in list) // false
val money1: BigDecimal = BigDecimal("12.50")
val money2: BigDecimal = BigDecimal("3.50")
val money3: BigDecimal = money1 * money2
println(money3) // 43.7500