Exercise: Comparing Objects of Data Class

Refine your proficiency in Kotlin’s data class functionality by engaging in exercises that involve performing various operations on instances of this class.

We'll cover the following

Problem statement

Perform the following tasks to practice working with data classes in Kotlin:

  1. Create a data class called Person with properties name and age.

  2. Instantiate a Person data class with the name John and age 30.

  3. Print the details of the Person instance.

  4. Create a copy of the Person instance with the name Jane.

  5. Instantiate a new Person with the name Jane and age 30.

  6. Check if the two Person instances are equal.

  7. Print the hashCode of all the Person instances.

  8. Destructure the Person instance created using copy (the one with the name Jane) into two variables and print the values of those variables.

The actual output when running the provided code should be as follows:

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