

Smart-Casting and the Elvis Operator

Smart-Casting and the Elvis Operator

Explore smart casting for null checks and efficiently set default values with the Elvis operator.

We'll cover the following...


Smart-casting also works for nullability. Therefore, in the scope of a non-nullability check, a nullable type is cast to a non-nullable type.

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fun printLengthIfNotNull(str: String?) {
if (str != null) {
println(str.length) // str smart-casted to String
fun main() {
val nullableString: String? = "Hello, Kotlin"
val nullString: String? = null
printLengthIfNotNull(nullableString) // Output: 13
printLengthIfNotNull(nullString) // No output (null)

Smart-casting also works when we use return or throw if a value is not null.

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fun printLengthIfNotNull(str: String?) {
if (str == null) return
println(str.length) // str smart-casted to String
fun main() {
val nullableString: String? = "Hello, Kotlin"
val nullString: String? = null
printLengthIfNotNull(nullableString) // Output: 13
printLengthIfNotNull(nullString) // No output (null)

Utilizing smart-casting, ...