String Literals

Learn about strings, heredocs, and sigils of different types in detail.

We'll cover the following...


Elixir has two kinds of strings: single-quoted and double-quoted. They differ significantly in their internal representation. But they also have many things in common. For example, see the following:

  • Strings can hold characters in UTF-8 encoding.
  • They may contain escape sequences:
    `\a`  BEL (0x07)      `\e`  ESC (0x1b)  
    `\v`  VT  (0x0b)      `\b`  BS  (0x08)  
    `\f`  FF  (0x0c)      `\s`  SP  (0x20)      
    `\d`  DEL (0x7f)      `\n`  NL  (0x0a)  
    `\t`  TAB (0x09)      `\r`  CR  (0x0d)  
    `\xhh`  2 hex digits 
    `\uhhh` 1–6 hex digits
  • They allow interpolation on Elixir expressions using the syntax #{...}:
     iex> name = "dave"
     iex> "Hello, #{String.capitalize name}!" 
     "Hello, Dave!"
  • Characters that would otherwise have special meaning can be escaped with a backslash.
  • They support heredocs.