Transformation: Convert Response
Learn the transformation of response and application configuration.
Convert the response
We’ll need a JSON library to convert the response into a data structure. Searching, we found the poison
library (no relation to HTTPoison), so let’s add its dependency to our mix.exs
defp deps do
{ :httpoison, "~> 1.0.0" },
{ :poison, "~> 3.1" },
If we run mix deps.get
, we’ll end up with poison
Next, we convert the body from a string. When we return the message from the GitHub API in gitHub_issues.ex
file, we call the Poison.Parser.parse!
function as seen below:
def handle_response({ _, %{status_code: status_code, body: body}}) do {
status_code |> check_for_error(),
body |> Poison.Parser.parse!()
defp check_for_error(200), do: :ok
defp check_for_error(_), do: :error
We also have to deal with a possible error response from the fetch. So, back in the CLI
module, we write a function that decodes the body and returns it on a success response. The function extracts the error from the body and displays it otherwise.
def process({user, project, _count}) do
Issues.GithubIssues.fetch(user, project)
|> decode_response()
def decode_response({:ok, body}), do: body
def decode_response({:error, error}) do
IO.puts "Error fetching from Github: #{error["message"]}"
The JSON that GitHub returns for a successful response is a list of maps, where each map in the list contains a GitHub issue.
We can experiment with the complete code above in the following terminal:
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