The Duper Application
Learn about servers in a supervised application in Elixir.
We’ll start by creating a supervised application:
$ mix new --sup duper
$ cd duper
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -a -m 'raw application'
Time to start writing servers.
The Results
The Results
server wraps an Elixir map. When it starts, it sets its state to an empty map. The keys of this map are hash values, and the values are the list of one of more paths whose files have that hash.
The server provides two API calls: one is to add a hash/path pair to the map, and the second is to retrieve entries that have more than one path in the value (because these are two duplicate files).
This is similar to the code we wrote for the sequence stash:
defmodule Duper.Results douse GenServer@me __MODULE__# APIdef start_link(_) doGenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, :no_args, name: @me)enddef add_hash_for(path, hash) doGenServer.cast(@me, { :add, path, hash })enddef find_duplicates(), :find_duplicates)end# Serverdef init(:no_args) do{ :ok, %{} }enddef handle_cast({ :add, path, hash }, results) doresults =Map.update(results, # look in this maphash, # for an entry with key[ path ], # if not found, store this valuefn existing -> # else update with result of this fn[ path | existing ]end){ :noreply, results }enddef handle_call(:find_duplicates, _from, results) do{:reply,hashes_with_more_than_one_path(results),results}enddefp hashes_with_more_than_one_path(results) doresults|> Enum.filter(fn { _hash, paths } -> length(paths) > 1 end)|>, 1))endend
Note the use of Map.update
This wonderful function takes a map, a key, an initial value, and a function. If the key isn’t present in the map, then a new map is returned with that key and initial value added. If the key is present, then the corresponding value is passed to the function, and whatever the function returns becomes the updated value
in the returned map. In our case, we’re using it to create a single-element path list the first time a hash is encountered and then to add paths to that list on duplicates.
We’ll add this server to the list of top-level children in application.ex
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Duper.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
This code is easy to test:
defmodule Duper.ResultsTest do
use ExUnit.Case
alias Duper.Results
test "can add entries to the results" do
Results.add_hash_for("path1", 123)
Results.add_hash_for("path2", 456)
Results.add_hash_for("path3", 123)
Results.add_hash_for("path4", 789)
Results.add_hash_for("path5", 456)
Results.add_hash_for("path6", 999)
duplicates = Results.find_duplicates()
assert length(duplicates) == 2
assert ~w{path3 path1} in duplicates
assert ~w{path5 path2} in duplicates
$ mix test...Finished in 0.05 seconds1 test, 0 failures
The PathFinder
Our next server is responsible for returning all the file paths in a filesystem tree, one at a time. Elixir doesn’t have a filesystem traversal API ...