Course Introduction
Get a brief introduction to what we'll learn in this course.
We'll cover the following...
Course structure
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the Redux and NgRx libraries, which manage states in Angular applications. The course is divided into the following chapters:
Redux Fundamentals: This chapter provides an introduction to the basic concepts of Redux, such as actions, reducers, and the store.
NgRx Fundamentals: This chapter builds on the concepts covered in the first chapter and explores how they are implemented in the NgRx library for Angular.
Debugging NgRx: This chapter covers techniques that troubleshoot and debug NgRx-based applications.
NgRx with TypeScript: This chapter discusses how to utilize TypeScript to improve the type safety and code readability of NgRx features.
NgRx: Advanced Concepts: This chapter covers some of NgRx’s advanced features, such as the lazy-loaded modules and selector composition.
NgRx Effects: This chapter discusses the use of NgRx Effects, which allows you to handle side effects, such as API calls, in a centralized and predictable way.
Unit Testing NgRx: This chapter covers how to write unit tests for NgRx-based applications, including test actions, reducers, and effects.
This course also contains the following:
Interactive projects: This course contains two interactive projects, giving you hands-on experience working on interactive projects and implementing the concepts learned in previous chapters.
Quizzes: This course includes quizzes at the end of each chapter to help you test your understanding.
Intended audience
This course is designed for beginner-level Angular developers. Intermediate and advanced-level developers can use this course to quickly brush up on some NgRx topics. In this course, we ll learn how to get started with NgRx, build stateful components and services, manage the application state using Effects, and more.
Course prerequisites
While this course is designed for those new to Angular and RxJS, it’s recommended that learners have a basic understanding of key concepts such as Angular modules, components, services, and data binding, as well as RxJS Observables, operators, and Subjects before beginning the course.
Note: You don’t need any NgRx experience.