Testing Reducers

Learn how to unit test the NgRx reducers.


In the products module of our application, we have defined three actions. We handled those actions in the src/app/products/state/products.reducers.ts file with the productsReducer.

import { createAction, props } from "@ngrx/store";
import { Product } from "src/app/app.interfaces";
export const getProductsAction = createAction(
'[Products] Get Products',
props<{ products: Product[] }>()
export const loadProductsAction = createAction(
'[Products] Load Products'
export const getErrorAction = createAction(
'[Products] Load Products Error'
Actions defined in the products module

In this lesson, let’s write a test case to verify if our productsReducer is properly handling the getProductsAction().

Unit testing the NgRx reducers

We can unit test the NgRx reducers by following the steps below.

Creating a spec file

Inside the src/app/products/state folder, let’s create a new file named the products.reducers.spec.ts file. Angular will not run this test file unless we add the spec extension.

Press + to interact
Snapshot of the folder structure of our project
Snapshot of the folder structure of our project

