Defining NgRx Effects

Learn how to define NgRx Effects in our course project.


We’ve already removed the data that is retrieving logic from the ProductsComponent. Let’s define an effect that interacts with the ProductsService class to fetch data from the server.

Defining an NgRx effect

We can define an NgRx effect in an Angular application by following some steps. Let’s see them in detail below.

Defining the ProductsEffects

Inside the src/app/products/state folder, let’s create a new file named products.effects.ts. In this file, we’ll define all of the effects of ProductsModule. Now, let’s define the ProductsEffects class and its constructor() function in lines 4–8. Since NgRx Effects are like an Angular service, let’s add an @Injectable() decorator in lines 1–3.

Although Angular services and effects are defined similarly, the main distinction is that Angular services can be injected anywhere in our application. However, NgRx Effects cannot be injected into other portions of the application. It is exclusively intended for usage by the @ngrx/effects library.

import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
export class ProductsEffects {
constructor() { }
Defining the ProductsEffects class

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