This lesson gives an overview of all 69 algorithms introduced in C++17.
We'll cover the following...
Here are the 69 algorithms with parallelised versions.
std::adjacent_difference | std::adjacent_find | std::all_of | std::any_of |
std::copy | std::copy_if | std::copy_n | std::count |
std::count_if | std::equal | std::fill | std::fill_n |
std::find | std::find_end | std::find_first_of | std::find_if |
std::find_if_not | std::generate | std::generate_n | std::includes |
std::inner_product | std::inplace_merge | std::is_heap | std::is_heap_until |
std::is_partitioned | std::is_sorted | std::is_sorted_until | std::lexicographical_compare |
std::max_element | std::merge | std::min_element | std::minmax_element |
std::mismatch | std::move | std::none_of | std::nth_element |
std::partial_sort | std::partial_sort_copy | std::partition | std::partition_copy |
std::remove | std::remove_copy | std::remove_copy_if | std::remove_if |
std::replace | std::replace_copy | std::replace_copy_if | std::replace_if |
std::reverse | std::reverse_copy | std::rotate | std::rotate_copy |
std::search | std::search_n | std::set_difference | std::set_intersection |
std::set_symmetric_difference | std::set_union | std::sort | std::stable_partition |
std::stable_sort | std::swap_ranges | std::transform | std::uninitialized_copy |
std::uninitialized_copy_n | std::uninitialized_fill | std::uninitialized_fill_n | std::unique |
std::unique_copy |
Also, we get 8 new algorithms that I have discussed in the next lesson.
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