HomeCoursesModern C++ Concurrency: Get the most out of any machine



Modern C++ Concurrency: Get the most out of any machine
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Explore modern C++ concurrency, from C++11 to C++20, combining theory with practice. Gain insights into parallel algorithms, co-routines, and best practices through interactive examples and real-world scenarios.
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Course Overview

"Concurrency with Modern C++" is a journey through the present and upcoming concurrency features in C++. - C++11 and C++14 have the basic building blocks for creating concurrent and parallel programs. - With C++17 we have the parallel algorithms from the Standard Template Library (STL). That means that most STL based algorithms can be executed sequentially, parallel, or vectorized. - The concurrency story in C++ goes on. With C++20 we can hope for extended futures, co-routines, transactions, and more. ...Show More
"Concurrency with Modern C++" is a journey through the present and upcoming concurrency features in C++. - C++11 and C++14 hav...Show More

Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with Modern C++ concurrency concepts through practical and theoretical examples.


A Quick Overview

6 Lessons

Look at C++ concurrency evolution, covering C++11 to C++20, practical multithreading, and challenges.


Memory Model: The Contract

2 Lessons

Break apart the crucial aspects of the C++ memory model and its challenges.


Memory Model: Atomics

9 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of C++ atomic operations, memory models, and thread synchronization techniques.


Memory Model: Fences

5 Lessons

Tackle memory fences to ensure proper synchronization and prevent unintended operation reordering.


Multithreading: Local Data

1 Lessons

Get started with thread-local data for isolated, race-free multithreaded programs.


Multithreading: Condition Variables

2 Lessons

Go hands-on with condition variables for effective thread synchronization and avoid common issues.


Case Study: Calculate Sum of a Vector

15 Lessons

Explore efficient vector summation methods, including single-threaded and multithreaded approaches with locks, atomics, and tasks.


Parallel Algorithms of the Standard Template Library

5 Lessons

Break down STL's parallel algorithms, execution policies, and functional programming in C++.


Coding Examples

9 Lessons

Go hands-on with concurrency examples to understand and resolve common issues.


Best Practices

5 Lessons

Enhance your skills in minimizing data sharing, effective memory models, and thread safety.


The Time Library

7 Lessons

Take a closer look at time points, durations, clocks, and time management in C++ multithreading.



2 Lessons

Focus on understanding key C++ concurrency terms, coding, and execution environments.


About the Author

1 Lessons

Approach the author's extensive industry experience and contributions to modern programming.
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