HomeCoursesNode.js Design Patterns



Node.js Design Patterns
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Gain insights into Node.js platform, explore its ecosystem, and learn about its asynchronous patterns and advanced techniques for developing interactive, efficient web applications.
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Course Overview

Node.js is considered a game changer in web development. Written in JavaScript, it’s the most adopted language, and the only programming language supported natively by every web browser. Once acquainted with Node.js and JavaScript, you can comfortably develop software for a wide variety of platforms. The course starts by explaining the Node.js platform and introduces its ecosystem and philosophy. Next, it introduces the modules system, callbacks and events that help in developing asynchronous applications....Show More
Node.js is considered a game changer in web development. Written in JavaScript, it’s the most adopted language, and the only pro...Show More


An understanding of how to approach Node.js development
The ability to work with module definition patterns, ECMAScript, and CommonJS modules
Working knowledge of various asynchronous control flow patterns
Hands-on experience working with streams, including their spatial and time efficiency
An understanding of creational, structural, and behavioral design patterns
Familiarity with scalability and architectural patterns
An understanding of how to approach Node.js development

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with Node.js design patterns for scalable application development.


The Node.js Platform

6 Lessons

Look at Node.js's asynchronous, event-driven architecture, core philosophy, and single-threaded event loop.


Coding with Streams

29 Lessons

Build on efficient data handling with Node.js streams, from basic to advanced patterns.



1 Lessons

Get familiar with essential tools and strategies for effective Node.js application design.
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